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Qiyang Technology

Qiyang Technology

Let everyone have access to specialty coffee, make SOE and 

Specialty Coffee more inclusive, and no longer have a sense of distance.


Professionals do not necessarily need to be condescending, there is a profession called approachable

Our consumers do not need to have knowledge of coffee, we will use professional service and listen to "non-professional" voices to make products

that are welcomed by the market.




Make products with temperature and affinity

A taste that is more acceptable to the Asian crowd, with an affinity for the price.


In order to achieve these two points, Qiyang has continuously integrated its own small household appliance supply chain with the coffee industry, and has continuously tested and improved equipment, supply chain, green bean processing, coffee roasting and taste for three years. Only carried the current DOLLNESY COFFEE ROASTERY and Good Coffee.


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Qiyang's supply chain not only meets its own products, but also continuously develops products that meet the B-end market, 

helping more coffee and tea brands and stores to achieve more diverse and rich drinks

|     Commercial equipment     |

|     Civil equipment     |

Soft and hard combination, systematic service

Commercial material supply: green coffee beans, cooked coffee beans, coffee ear bags, coffee cold extract, freeze-dried powder

Contact us 

Contact number: 400 091 7891

Address: Dole Baking Dream Factory, Taoguli, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province


400 091 7891
